Greetings from York

Greetings from York

Greetings friends! We are finally in York after a long and eventful journey and I have been working very hard to get the new shop ready in time for the holidays.

Here is a picture of Stonegate where our new shop is located.

It's really exciting to finally be here working on our new shop and I'm so excited to be able to take you with me on our new adventure. Quentin and Robin are off in a little cabin in the Lake District (Quentin is very sensitive to paint fumes so they are staying away until I give the all clear).

We are renovating the shop inside and out and today I'm going to show you what we have done with the outside

In the beginning the shop was a toy store, the lady who owned it had been there for twenty years.

I started off with a sketch of how I would like the windows and sign to be.

And then I made full scale drawings of the art (featuring Quentin and Robin of course, I can't wait to surprise them with it!), and mocked the whole thing up.

And then this week an amazing songwriter named Colin spent a couple of days at the shop and worked his magic!

It looks even more beautiful in person and I can't wait to dress the window for the holidays.

I will write again very soon with before and afters from the inside of the shop, if you come to England please visit!

Next time Quentin and Robin will be back, just in time of the holidays.

I hope you enjoyed this letter from England.

Your friend


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