Dear friends,
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather, it's such a magical time of year
Book Three is in its final stages of editing, and with only one more illustration to complete, I am confident it will be ready for February 2025. If you preorder a copy, I will happily sign it for you. I'm also going to include a special bookmark as a thank you. Only with your kindness and support can I afford to spend my time writing and making art to bring this world to life, and for that, I am truly grateful.
I've been looking forward to sharing this story with you for a long time.
My studio is finally finished and have just finished working on the new window display for fall.
Here you can see Harold outside his home, I made a tiny pair of classes for him with some chain loops and resin.
And here is a very sweet mouse with his little sister, she is looking forward to getting a fancy new bow for her dress.
Further along a very small mouse is checking her washing line, I need to makes some very small clothes to hang on it.
And here is the finished window, it's always a bit nail biting taking it down early in the morning and putting it all into place because you never know if it's going to fit or quite how it will look.
It makes me so happy to think of all the people who will get to enjoy peeking in and seeing all the little creatures.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you stay warm and enjoy all the wonders of the change of season :)
Your friend