HelloFriends, I have a special secret gift that I made for Easter and it's for Jayne because she makes lots of cakes and breads for us every day and this is my way of saying thank you.
It's an egg and it's made of chocolate which she likes very much, which is very bad for birds so I didn't taste it, but the smell was very tempting.
Kitty brought a bar for me from the village and I sat on it to get it nice and warm and then I rolled it with my feet when it was like clay and made an egg shape.
The back is a bit wonky but the front looks quite good and I wanted to put a candied cherry in it but I couldn't quite make it work and I know that it's not good to play with food so I ate them all because I don't think Quentin and Jayne would like to eat cherries with my footprints on them very much.
Today I sneaked into Jayne's sewing box and found a bit of ribbon and I made a decoration and I stuck a pin in it to hold it on, I will tell her about the pin when I give it to her because if she ate it, it might get stuck in her throat and that happened to my Aunty once and I don't think she liked it very much.
I took a picture to show you what it looked like but when I tried to carry the egg back into the pantry where it's cool, I dropped it onto the floor and now it has a dent in it so the picture shows it in its prime and it isn't there any more, just like my Aunty.
I hope you have lots of fun plans too. Quentin and I are going to look at a book on roses this afternoon to identify his house. It will be very exciting to visit when it grows back in the summer which feels a very long way off right now but that day will come because it’s the next thing after spring and that’s happening soon.
I can smell something nice wafting in from the kitchen so I'm going to investigate.
Bye bye for now